Above is the official link to the official shop... it's official. No, I don't know why I can't stop saying official. I finally bit the bullet (now I must look up why that saying is what it is) and set up a shop on Etsy for bows and such.
My best advertisement is my little girl that never goes anywhere without a bow topped on her head. I get compliments and questions often. At the mall yesterday an employee of a store I was in made a comment about wanting the flower clip for her granddaughter so I spoke up and ended up with her card to email her info! I often just quietly say thank you when someone mentions the bows but I decided I should start talking it up!
Business cards and special glossy cards to place the bows on are ordered! (Thanks to VistaPrint for FREE stuff... only a few bucks for shipping. Check it out! www.vistaprint.com)
Until more of the items get listed on Etsy, here is the album link to all that have previously been created: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=179695&id=709685374&l=ef840cf780