The past few days have held some big milestone moments for lil Miss Jillien!
LAUGHTER: She had a day with 3 major laughs - her first ones that were true, "hearty" laughs! Her Daddy is (of course) the one that caused the laughs although he didn't get to hear the first one. He pulled into the driveway and we opened up the front window to see him pulling in. Jillien was looking everywhere outside besides where he was standing. To HELP her pay attention to him, Stephen jumped up on the hood of his car and smiled at her and she just chuckled her lil heart out. She really just thought that was hilarious.
ROLLING: She has been rolling to one side or another for quite a while but still hadn't mastered the rolling over fully thing. Today she did! She did it over and over again when I put her on her tummy. Tummy to back, happy and squealing most of the way! Of course, when I got the video camera on her, she took longer and/or fussed about it. Figures!
STUDIO PICTURES: We went to JCPenney on Saturday and did her 3 month pictures. We figured we needed to hurry up and do that since she will be 4 months in 10 days! She took some Easter pictures with a LIVE bunny and all of it was fun... although she liked eating the pink tulle.
She is a total goofball and we love it!
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