Jillien was a guitar for Halloween! :) The costume was purchased by my mom off of our baby registry @ Babies'R'Us last Fall. We knew we had to have it! I just took to it and "blinged" it up and added a few bows, matched with some dolled up socks and shoes to be sure everyone knew there was a lil girl in there!

It was a lot of fun to decorate the wagon too, complete with instrumental music playing out of an amp and Daddy's "STEP-UP GUITARS" logo plate on the back.

We had a great time on Saturday (10/30) visting FUMC Missouri City (our former church home and where I was youth director for 7+ years). Their Trunk or Treat was festive and it was especially great to see friendly faces and all of the adorable lil ones dressed up. We even got to enjoy dinner with 3 other couples we haven't seen much in the past year. It was great times for all!

On Halloween Sunday (10/31) we went to the church we have currently been visiting and attended their Trunk or Treat. It was a sunny, warm afternoon but it was a lot of fun to decorate the trunk, roll Jilly around and see the grandparents and friends!

We loved that she didn't ever seem to mind the costume. She was a great sport about the whole deal... both times. She loved watching the candy get dropped into her bucket. She also enjoyed pulling out the candy and crinkling its wrapper.

We did let her take about 10 licks of a lollipop (her very first) with extreme assistance and supervision. It was adorable to watch her go from completely hesitant to eagerly consuming the sucker.

We left when she finally did hit that wall of "I'm over this" and came home to visit a few neighbors and hand out candy (which we ran out of) to kiddos who passed through. It was a great weekend, exhausting yet full of fantastic memories and PICTURES! :)

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