I don't know how to say much without giving details that I shouldn't give about a place that I have little... ok, NO... trust in. 80% of the people he worked with are genuine, hard-working and ethical. Is that me finding the positive? I would rather say that than tell you about my feelings, knowledge and emotions toward the other 20% involved.
We know that God will hold us through this... we just aren't sure what that means right now. We always have landed on our feet and in a better place in so many ways. I'm sure that will be the case once again but don't know what lessons, struggles and adventures are ahead for us. I just know that I'm grateful we have a faith that lets us doubt, lean and praise along the way.
I posted on Facebook tonight: " " it is not an insult on those with money but hurled instead at those who choose to not walk with integrity when acquiring such riches.
I'm thankful this day after Valentine's Day that we spent a whole $1.08 on a balloon at the Dollar Tree for my daughter to enjoy ("boon! boon!" one of her faves!) and that my hunny used the rest of a gift card to surprise me with a Sonic ice cream treat. I would be thankful if there was nothing. I would be thankful if there was more. I am thankful because God has blessed us