This kiddo is like her Mommy and does so much better when she gets the rest she needs when she needs it, the food she needs when she needs it and the kind of attention she wants when she wants it!!
People have asked about our schedule and sleeping. She's 14 weeks old today so about half of her current life (@ 7 weeks) she has been sleeping through the night. However, we do a "dreamfeed" around 11 PM but I still count it as sleeping since she never wakes up for it. I wish I could eat while I slept... no, no I don't need to do that... bad idea!
Here are our days most recently... it's a routine moreso than a "schedule":
- 7:15 wake up, nurse (once or twice it's been 7 or 7:30 but it's almost always 7:15)
- 8:30 nap (or earlier depending on wake time and Daddy's departure for work)
- 10:45 or 11 wake up, nurse (we're adjusting this as her morning naps are getting shorter)
- 12 noon (or so) nap
- 1:30 wake up, nurse
- 3:00ish nap (Either way at home or on the go, she consistently only sleeps 30 or 45 minutes here... unless she was out at a wedding partying earlier in the day and then she sleeps for 2.5-3!!)
- 4:45/5/5:30 nurse (This is the most inconsistent nursing time depending on errands, her hunger level, etc.)
- 6/6:15/6:30 nap (She starts to get fussy about 45 minutes after starting her nursing time previous to this. This is where we usually just slip her into the swing to let her have some "me" time.)
- 7-9 PM ... This is where we are currently stumped as she has done so many different things from the 7-9PM range over the past month. She was taking LONG (2 hour!!) naps 7-9PM for a bit so we thought maybe she was ready to move her bedtime up. Just as we were about to explore a new schedule with that, she starting only napping about 30 or 45 minutes around 6:15 on. Our goal currently is to try the 7:15 nurse time, followed by bath time on bath days, changing into night diaper, pajamas, storytime and bed.
- 11 PM Feed We have been doing a "dreamfeed" anywhere between 11 PM to midnight. I have consistently done 11 PM for this past week and am planning on seeing how we might move it up as we try our new end-of-the-day routine. Eventually, this feeding will be dropped. I will be watching for her disinterest in it. Even though she sleeps through it right now, she still takes a 3 oz pumped bottle with no struggle. I also think a part of me fears the long stretch (at this age) of her not eating and then that causing her to wake up in the middle of the night. I'm in no hurry to drop this. Plus, she is fun to snuggle with after she finishes her bottle during this feeding.
Yes! Keep posting detailed info - SO helpful. It's good to see how the babywise thing really works. Most people are telling me they fall asleep during feeding so you HAVE to follow feeding with nap - but it's good to hear little J has gotten used to feeding -> play time -> sleep time. You are SO my online mommy mentor!
Oh goodness! I can't imagine it any other way. The first few weeks are a blur but the feed, wake, sleep cycle is so much better for us than any other way. She is just such a happy baby (yes, she does have her moments to make her human) but I think so much of it is giving her some routine which helps me know what she needs and when. You know I'm here for ya even if I'm just figuring it out as I go too!